英文翻譯~ 麻煩英文好的人! - 旅遊

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2008-03-10T00:00

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Erica:Hey, Winnie. 這禮拜你有空嗎? 我想去唱歌!
Winnie:不行耶! 我正在存錢!
Winnie:對啊! 我正在計劃去一趟北京!
Erica:是哦! 北京有什麼特別?
Winnie:我想參觀為奧運而蓋的建築! 如果有機會~我更想去看奧運比賽!
Erica:為什麼你不跟團呢? 你不怕迷路嗎?
Winnie:我已經收集好旅遊資料了! 而且應該部會有語言隔閡!
Erica:喔! 也對! 但比起北京~ 我比較想去日本!
Winnie: 恩~那我改天拿給你~
Erica: 恩~謝謝囉~ 祝你儘早存到錢~
Tags: 旅遊

All Comments

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2008-03-12T18:44
Erica: Hey Winnie, are you free this week? I feel like singing.
WInnie: I can't, I'm trying to save money.
Erica: Save money?
Winnie: Yea, I'm planning a trip to Beijing.
Erica; Oh.......what's so special about Beijing?
Winnie: I want to go check out those buildings especially built for the Olympics. If possible, I want to see the competitions.
Erica: Sounds good, are you backpacking it or going with a tour group?
Winnie: I'll be going with my family.
Erica: Why don't you go with a group? Aren't you afraid of getting lost?
Winnie: I've already got all the travelling informations and there shouldn't be a language barrier.
Erica: Oh, I suppose so. But I would rather go to Japan than Beijing.
Winnie: Japan?
Erica: Mmm, I want to go shopping and check out their traditional buildings.
Winnie: It just happens that I have some informations that you can use.
Erica: Really?
Winnie: Mmmm, I'll give it to you some other day.
Erica: Mmm, thanks. Hope you'll save enough money soon.
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2008-03-10T10:37
Erica:Hey, Winnie. Do you have the time this weekend? I want to go to karaoke.
Winnie:I am sorry, I can't because I am saving up now.
Erica:Save up?
Winnie:Yep! I am planning for travelling in Beijing.
Erica:Oh....Is anything special in Beining?
Winnie:I want to visit the building for the Olympics! What if I have the chance, I really want to see the game at the Olympics.
Erica:It really sounds great!Then, are you going alone or with travelling group?
Winnie:I will go with my family.
Erica:Why don't you go with travelling group?Don't you be afrad of getting lost?
Winnie:I have collected all the materials about the travelling!And also I should not get any language barrier!
Erica:Oh..it's right! I prefer going to Japan then Beijine.
Erica:Um...I want to visit the trandition building and go shopping in Japan.
Winnie: I have some materials that you can get and have look them.
Winnie: Um.....I will give them to you next day!
Erica: Um.....thank you and wish you can save up for travelling soon.
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2008-03-10T19:58
Erica: Hey, Winnie. Are you available this week? I want to sing!
Winnie: No Jerusalem! I am saving money!
Erica: save money?
Winnie: Yes! I am planning a trip to Beijing!
Erica: Oh! Is there any particular in Beijing?
Winnie: I would like to visit for the Olympic Games covered construction! If I have the opportunity, I would like to see the Olympic Games!
Erica: sounds good! Will you go with a group or yourself?
Winnie: I will go there with my family.
Erica: Why do you not go with the group? Are you not afraid of you lost?
Winnie: I have a good collection of travel information! Also it should not have the language barrier!
Erica: Yes! However, I would like to go to Japan rather than Beijing.
Winnie: Japan?
Erica: ah! I want to visit Japanese traditional architecture and shopping?!
Winnie: I have some information for your reference.
Erica: really?
Winnie: Yes, I can give you other day.
Erica: Thank you! Wish you to save money as soon as possible !


George avatar
By George
at 2008-03-09T00:00
不知各位旅遊達人,若今年3月中-3月底間,如果想去這2個地方,該怎麼走最順?(有什麼在附近更值得一去的?)中間的行� ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2008-03-09T00:00
民間互助會摩登大變身。配合國人的理財習慣,永豐銀預計四月推出「標會王」網站,客戶可以上網跟會儲錢、融通資金,這項創新商 ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2008-03-09T00:00
我們有2個人要到日本自由行到大阪還有神戶麻煩各位介紹一下哪裡有可以逛街還有比較好的景點還有交通方式!!... ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2008-03-09T00:00
請問新宿華盛頓飯店有洗衣機或是烘乾機嗎?還是附近有自費洗衣機和烘衣機。因為要去日本自助旅行很多天,想�� ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2008-03-09T00:00
想吃的東西:卓家汕頭魚麵意麵、度 ...